Nursing Home Ombudsman

What are Ombudsman Services?
Ombudsman Services are funded through the Nursing Home Ombudsman Agency of the Bluegrass. This agency provides services to institutionalized elderly throughout the Bluegrass region. Every nursing home and family care home in the Bluegrass area has a local Ombudsman who serves as an advocate for the rights of the residents and helps to resolve problems. Each nursing home resident is visited at least once a month. The Ombudsman Program also receives Title III-B funds to provide training and public education in Elder Abuse Prevention designed to alleviate situations of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, and exploitation among older persons in family and personal care homes.
What services does the Ombudsman Agency provide?
The Ombudsman Agency:
Provides regular friendly visitors to residents of long-term care facilities
Protects the rights of citizens
Identifies, investigates, and works to resolve residents’ concerns
Empowers residents and families to make informed choices
Monitors and works to enact laws protecting older Kentuckians
The agency also offers special programs to serve the community, including informative presentations on Indicators of Quality Care; Abuse and Neglect; Sexual Assault; Residents’ Rights; and Placement Counseling.
What is the eligibility requirement to receive assistance?
Ombudsman Services are available to any individual district-wide who is a resident of a long-term care facility, a family member, friend, or concerned party, and the community at large who acknowledges the need for and the right to quality care in long-term care facilities.
There are no fees or charges associated with the services, although donations are accepted.
How do I request services?
There is no application for services. Simply contact the Nursing Home Ombudsman Agency of the Bluegrass and ask to speak with an Ombudsman. If your call is not immediately answered leave a message, clearly stating your name, telephone number, and your interest. Your call will be returned.
Nursing Home Ombudsman Agency of the Bluegrass, Inc.
1530 Nicholasville Road
Lexington, KY 40503
(859) 277-9215