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What's Happening?



Community Partners.


We would like to invite you to exhibit at the Resource Fair for the 21st Annual Grandparents and Relatives as Parents (GAP) Conference, to be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The conference will be held at the Clarion Hotel, 1950 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY 40511. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit the Resource Fair during registration, between sessions, and during lunch.


The GAP Conference offers information and support to grandparents and relatives raising children, as well as professionals working with this population. Each year, exhibitors play a key role in educating and informing the participants at this conference. This location will accommodate even more attendees from Lexington and across the state. In addition, we will be offering continuing education credits for social workers and attorneys. We anticipate approximately 250 people in attendance.                 



Non-profit or governmental agency $50

Businesses $75

Additional agency representatives                   $50 per person (includes registration & meals)


Fee includes:               

One 6-foot table with tablecloth and chair(s)

Conference registration for one person (and applicable CEU credits)

Lunch for one person

Sales by exhibitors will be permitted.


Please also consider contributing a door prize, which will be awarded during lunch. Your agency/business will be recognized, and you will have the opportunity to present your prize if you choose.



Your completed application and registration fee will most likely reserve your Resource Fair space. However, due to our limited space and an increase in the interest in our efforts there will only be available space for approximately 25 exhibitors this year.  Your exhibitor application will serve as your conference registration.

Please make checks payable to Community FCS. Applications and fees should be received by Friday, March 7, 2025 and mailed to the address found on the application below. Once in receipt of your check and application we will send confirmation of exhibit space and details regarding the time, set-up arrangements, and parking information. If all exhibitor spaces have already been filled, we will notify you and refund any payment. Please submit exhibitor application to Regina Goodman




Regina Goodman

GAP Exhibitor Planning Committee Chair

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The Bluegrass Area Development District will receive sealed proposals to provide services through the following funding sources: Title III of the Older American’s Act, for the following programs:  Legal Services/State Health Insurance Assistance Program, Long-Term Care District Ombudsman Program, Elder Nutrition Program Management, Title IIIB/C1/C2 Senior Center/Meal Services and Case Management, Title IIIE National Family Caregiver Support Program Respite Provider(s).  State General Funds for the following program:  Homecare In-Home Service Provider(s) and Case Management Provider.

This project is funded in part, under a contract with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, from the Administration for Community Living of the U.S. Department of Health and Family Services.

Letters of Interest & Qualification packets will be available after 8:00am EST on December 23, 2024. You may request an application by emailing Celeste Robinson at  You must specify which program packet(s) you are requesting.  Completed packets will be due in the Bluegrass ADD office located at 699 Perimeter Dr., Lexington, KY 40517, by 4:30pm, EST on February 28, 2025.  No applications will be accepted after this date/time.  Applications must be clearly marked according to instructions in the program packet.  The Bluegrass Area Development District reserves the right to reject any and all responses and to waive any informality.  Questions may be directed to Celeste Robinson at 859-629-5097 or 

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August marks the 89th Anniversary of Social Security.

In 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law to initiate the program to provide income replacement for individuals no longer able to work. Today, Social Security provides income assistance to retirees, people with disabilities, and children and other dependents who have lost a family member. In addition, Supplemental Security Income provides payment to individuals who are low/no income, individuals with low/no resources, and are blind, disabled or over age 65. Sixty-six million Americans received Social Security benefits in 2023, 74% of which were paid to retired workers. Eighty percent of beneficiaries are over the age of 62. Twelve percent of beneficiaries are disabled workers. This vital program provides support to our older adults in our community.

Social Security Administration online access is transitioning to You may be asked to create a account to continue accessing your benefits account online.

If you are unable to access online:

Phone- 1-800-772-1213

Find your local office HERE 

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T: 1-866-665-7921

F: 859-268-1107




699 Perimeter Drive

Lexington, KY 40517



Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 4:30PM

Note from the Director >

The Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living (BGAAAIL) is pleased to provide you with a website we’ve designed to share resources and programs for seniors and persons with disabilities.


- Celeste Robinson, Director

Sage Care Credential Platinum 2024

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