Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)

What is SHIP?
The Kentucky State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides information, counseling and assistance to seniors and disabled individuals, their family members and caregivers. This service is provided at no charge by local, well-trained counselors. The program seeks to educate the general public and Medicare beneficiaries so they are better able to make informed decisions about their health care. SHIP and its Counselors do not sell insurance products, nor do they represent any for-profit insurance products or companies.
What services does SHIP provide?
SHIP and its Counselors educate seniors on health insurance coverage, benefits, and consumer rights; provide assistance and education, on a one-on-one basis or through educational forums; protect consumers against fraud or misdirected collections; and empower consumers to make informed health insurance choices.
SHIP Counselors can provide one-on-one counseling by telephone or in person; make presentations to community groups; provide printed consumer information and educational materials; and make referrals to other agencies.
SHIP can help individuals understand Medicare and/or Medicaid coverage and supplemental insurance; help them understand and compare supplemental policies and plans; assist them in completing prescription drug discount program applications; and apply for public benefits.
What are the eligibility requirement to receive assistance?
Seniors and disabled individuals, their family members, and caregivers are all eligible for Kentucky SHIP services. These services are provided at no charge to the individual.
How do I request services?
If you have any questions about these services please contact:
Statewide SHIP toll free number within Kentucky is: 1-877-293-7447
Angela Zeek
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass
498 Georgetown Street
Lexington, KY 40508